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Monday, December 19, 2005

Even though the calendar tells us this is the week to write about Santa, it's a terrible time for me. I am so deep into Year-End Fatigue—from the stores that blast Christmas carols before Halloween, to the tramplings on Black Friday ("On your mark. Get set. Kill each other!"), to the nonstop urgings to BUY BUY BUY, to the myriad social obligations, to the sociopaths down the street—that I've begun romanticizing the Amish.

The challenge is not to let my jaundice color my sons' sense of wonder about the whole holiday season, because kids deserve a chance to love Christmas as much I did when I was young. We've been all around the city, looking at the lights and decorations and the awesome train diorama at the Citigroup Center, and we've played up how we all get to fly on a plane and go see Grandma and Grandpa. We also light Advent candles every morning and dance around to Christmas carols every night.

But as far as we're concerned, Santa is a pointless myth. So even though Son1 knows about him through his friends at school, we're not emphasizing him all that much. We'll exchange gifts because we're family and because we love each other. Who would want anything from an underemployed alcoholic in a cheap red suit?

Permalink | Happy Holidays | Comments (2)


O.k., I'm confused. If MIC is downplaying Santa, aren't you, LOD, suposed to be singing his praises? I thought this was a "he said, she said" type of blog. ;^)

Posted by: Barbara | Dec 21, 2005 9:13:49 AM

I agree with the PP! I imagine you two fighting over which side you get to be on (both wanting to be on the anti-Santa side). Hey, you're both the thinking type, therefore it's natural that neither of you is big on the whole Santa thing. I'm not either, but I don't dare admit that to too many of my suburban mommy friends! That's a good way to get kicked out of the playground. HaHa.

Posted by: Mary | Dec 22, 2005 12:04:30 AM

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