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Friday, December 02, 2005

I, too, wonder how your life would be without your husband. From what you've written, his considerable marketing skills have had a considerable impact on your opinions about religion and home birth. Perhaps you're more familiar with blind acceptance than you realize.

The unintentional irony was also a nice touch. It's hard to take seriously anyone who dismisses faith as "ignorant bliss," because assuming that everyone who believes in God is limping around in an addlepated fog is one of the more ignorant things I've ever read.

Look, I have my biases like anyone else. If either of my children ends up in a robe at LAX with a shaved head and a banjo, I'll get past it (but I admit it won't be easy). Ditto if they become enthralled with the Virgin Mary in a tree trunk and start selling T-shirts door to door, or if they decide to start jettisoning engrams in order to escape the MEST. Whatever they choose, I can only hope they're secure enough to be open-minded and respectful toward those who believe differently.

Permalink | Should you raise your child religious? | Comments (5)


Like most marriages, each person has an opinion and does research and then talks about stuff that affects their family. Religion wasn't a part of my life before I met FIC and probably would not have been if he had been religious. I was being facetious, but I guess you missed it. In your family, instead of voicing an opinion, you've taken the "do as I say, not as I do approach" to religion with your kids. I'm sure they'll figure that out and take all of your other advice with a grain of salt as well.

Posted by: Mother in Chief | Dec 2, 2005 12:53:43 PM

Actually, it's more like "don't do as I do, do as your mother does."

Posted by: LOD | Dec 2, 2005 1:17:44 PM

You missed the Virgin Mary thongs! Just the thing to honor the Mother of Christ:

Posted by: Jamie | Dec 2, 2005 8:32:49 PM

Honestly, if one does not have a faith he/she follows then why would one pretend simply for the sake of a child? I get frustrated when I hear my friends only going to church because they have kids-- what does that mean to them? Isn't that in some way lying? I have a strong faith system and my son does go to church with us each week. My dream for him is to discover his own relationship with God, not because I force him to but because he wants to own it. I want him to know that we love him no matter what path he chooses, whether we disagree or agree with the choice. I expose my child to what I believe to be truth and it's a part of our life. When he's an adult and able to make more choices, he will be free to do so! I too want him to respect others choices and not condemn anyone for being different.

Posted by: Kdubs | Dec 3, 2005 2:17:55 PM

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Posted by: lipuvgecto | Mar 23, 2007 3:44:41 AM

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