I'm unfortunately not surprised that the more regretful aspects of our boob-happy, male-dominated culture make women feel awkward about nursing in public. Ironically, though, persistent public breastfeeding is just the ticket for changing our public mores, both priggish and prurient, for the better. Men are crazy about breasts in part because of their cachet. They're hidden and forbidden, so naturally we must devote ourselves to coming in contact with as many as possible. But if women nursed in public more often and showcased the breast's true power, our society might become desensitized enough to make a dent in all this mindless titophilia.
A man can dream.
Despite all the emotional and nutritional (and yes, social) benefits, breastfeeding does have a big downside. The plain truth is, I miss them. I know they're on call 24/7, fighting the good fight and making the world a better place, and I respect that. But sometimes, after a long workday, I want them just for me. Is that so wrong? Can a fella wish they could return to maximum erogeneity, and not feel guilty when a wayward squirt in the eye ruins the mood?
So as great as breastfeeding is for my children, a large part of me can't wait until it's over and I can have them back for myself.
Posted by: alice | Dec 9, 2005 1:45:16 PM