I wonder how my life would be different if Father in Chief had been a religious kind of guy when I met him at 16. Would I have swallowed up the church and let God's love guide me into ignorant bliss? Would I have decided that Toddler in Chief's defects were punishment for not being a good enough Christian? Or a test of faith to bring me closer to God? Ganail says my son's defects are from Satan himself.
Would life be easier to swallow if I could blindly accept that everything happens for a reason and that some greater power is up there calling the shots, for better or for worse? But walking around with rose-colored glasses when the world ain't so rosy is just walking through life in denial. I prefer to have my kid's life founded in reality, instead of leaning on a crutch, as Jon explained it.
For now, TIC will learn that the greatest love is the one you give and receive to/from your family and friends. He'll also learn that helping people is part of being human, not part of an organized religion that is redeemable at a certain place and at a certain time each week.
Permalink | Should you raise your child religious? | Comments (5)
Should you raise your child with religion? Sure, if you want to, and if you don't, you don't. I have a Masters of Philosophy in Peace Studies from the Irish School of Ecumenics, and became quite interested in Buddhism while there. So I'm not sure how much more well-rounded, I can get. ;^) I know I'm more concerned that we raise our children to live in peace and tolerance with one another than I am about children being raised with organized (and I emphasize organized) religion. In my opinion spirituality is something distinct, although not mutually exclusive. I think MIC's preference to focus on love from and between family and friends sounds like a wonderful foundation for any child.
And as my AP bio teacher in high school, a Catholic, said, why wouldn't I believe that God created something as wonderful as science and everything it entails?
So, I'm sure there's a place in heaven for a sexy skeptic . . . if he wants it. ;^)
Posted by: Barbara | Nov 30, 2005 8:55:24 PM