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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Laid-Off's Dad evidence that "attached" vs. "detached" parenting creates more secure kids is weak. He wrote: "The only evidence I have to support this is my son’s [seamless] transition into preschool." It's presumptuous and uninformed to say that the kids who wailed for mama must have been stroller-pushed, crib-sleepers, while the ones who sashayed to the play table were sling-worn, co-sleepers.

There are many ways to bond with your child. For 20 months, Toddler in Chief had hours of skin-to-skin contact when he nursed. There was even skin-time with Father in Chief during a weekend snooze-fest on the couch. Before he was big enough to bounce around a stroller, he'd ride in the Bjorn around the neighborhood, with his face contentedly nuzzled in my milk-heavy cleavage. At home, he was near us. He'd watch me chop tomatoes from the comfort of his bouncy chair, and he'd play in the bassinet that I wheeled from room to room. Then at bedtime, we'd go our separate ways. He's a fabulous sleeper, and he does not have trouble separating from us, as LOD suggested is a problem for parents who use strollers and cribs.

TIC likes to play on his own, but will occasionally come running into the office while I'm working and demand a hug. He also doesn't mind when I leave him with a sitter. He happily shouts, "Have fun Mommy!"

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You realize that all the stuff you did is attachment parenting stuff, right? You're not doing a very good job of arguing for scheduling and detachment if you wore him, had him in the same room with you, nursed for 20 months, and stay home.

Posted by: Jake's Mom | Nov 23, 2005 8:54:10 AM

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